Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuesday thinking

If only I made to do lists, here is what I would do.

Trim the spieria back to free the patio
Finish putting the cross bars on the pergola so it actually can provide the shade for which it was made

Do some push ups, practicing to achieve the right form

Get down on my hands and knees and scrub the dirt from the crevices of the tile
Touch up the paint chipped on the walls

Putting on my running shoes and run a mile

Vacuum the bugs up from the basement floor and then hose it down 'till it shines like the top of the Chrysler Building'

Take the dog for a walk (he's not a runner)

Figure out how to attach a wall plate for a phone socket to the wall when the hole is bigger than the plate
Call the plumber so she can improve the cold water pressure in the upstairs shower cause, while hot showers are great, scalding showers are grueling

Go get a pedicure

Deadhead the flowers
Clean out the garage
Pull the weeds

Capture the opossum who has stolen EVERY one of the tomatos on my vines this summer

Plan a full week's worth of healthy menus (minus those 4 days when I travel and must eat out)


I don't make lists
only having random thoughts of things I should do

So that the weekend comes and I get up and think How nice...two whole days with absolutely NOTHING to do!


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